
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A confession...

A grouping of objects in my living room...
I am really into the color orange  these days.

My favorite little orange container in its previous location and house.
Photos by yours truly

 Ijust can't stand it any more, I don't know who I was kidding 5 rooms in 5 months.   I am such a design fanatic that I move around from room to room, doing projects, fiddling with this or that making things feel like home. I LOVE to fiddle, I LOVE to move things around, I LOVE little projects...the pride I have when I have finished something, and I can say, I DID THAT:)  Let's face it, my house will NEVER be totally done.  And I really kind of like it that way:)    I am just going to post what I am doing right now, what i am into at the moment.   I want to shout 'HERE IS MY HOME, MY WORK IN PROGRESS, I LOVE IT'!!! I am proud of what we as a family have accomplished in the past few months. 

My home is ever changing, I am ever changing.... and THAT is THAT:):)

Who knows, I might have a Fiddling Freakout and finish 5 rooms in 5 days:):)

Have a great day:)


  1. The first photo is gorgeous! What is that sofa?

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog...nice to meet you! You are ambitious, 5 rooms in that short time! You go girl.....

    I'll stop by again and see your progress


  3. growgirl...not the sofa but the chair.

    cynthia- nice to meet you too. I have decided NOT to blog 5 rooms but to just show organically what evolves in the rooms. much more my style.

    michelle-i knew you probably would:)


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