
Friday, July 23, 2010

Seltzer bottle love...

My bottles in the window in my living room. 
Another view.
I am still fiddling but I like the way it emulates the blue line in the print on the wall.

ecently I bought 6 vintage blue seltzer bottles at an auction for CHEAP!  I saw them at an antique store for $60 apiece a while back, and couldn't justify buying a bottle for that much. I would periodically think about those bottles, and how I would use them.  Now I am having fun moving them about my house.   I still haven't found the 'perfect' home for them.  Back to my fiddling tendencies:)  The blue is so pretty, the etchings are so cool.  Back in the day, these bottles were just every day objects...just bottles...  now we see them for the beauty in the color, the etching, the history behind them.   The craftsmanship in every day objects.

Here is some 'seltzperation'. Enjoy.

A tablescape that I found, I can't find the attribution:(

via beachbungalow8

(can you think of anyone that these might be appropriate for, I surely can!)
SCHMUCK BROS. I still can't stop myself form smiling when I see these:):):)


via Sundance
How inventive.  Leave it to sundance.

These lamps are awesome, I DO like the french seltzers.

How would you use seltzer bottles? Where would you put them?


  1. This summer, seltzer seems to be the one thing that gives me fizz and cools me down. I love the idea of vintage vessels in the home. I am feeling like a vintage vessel myself, with high school seniors and the college spritz or blitz of tours and lists.
    happy weekend to you ~

  2. LOVE the bottles:-) I didn't realize that they came in so many different sizes and colors.


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