
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Modern Farm Table

via Woman's Day Specials Remodeling Makeovers Magazine

H as anyone else noticed this table popping up all over the place.?? The Modern Farm Table...I might have one myself for the back porch....

True to form I FOUND this on the side of the road right around the just never know what you might find on the side of the road...and I am surely not afraid to make a fool out of myself getting it in the car.

My Black Laquered soon to be stripped Modern Farm Table. Notice it has already started being stripped.
I put in on the porch to see if it would fit, and I think it will work.  Will have to find new chairs
I am not the type to let something like this go....I mean even if I can't use it....I mean it is a handmade, hand signed, (a little plaque on the leg with a signature) PARSON's Table.  Even if I only use it outside in the garage.  I tried to lift it myself, but this baby was heavy!   I rushed home, screeched to a stop, thankfully he was in the yard, grabbed my husband and said "TABLE" get in the car.  (in our neighborhood, things don't sit on the side of the road for long, I have missed out on things, just by going home to get my car before!) He knows me pretty well, and if he didn't help me, there would probably be scratches all over the back of my SUV from me trying with all of my might, before I dragged it around the block. (when I get my mind set on something, by hook or by crook, I am going to have it...but in this instance I have no idea how I would have gotten this home without him:))

The table has been sitting in the garage, partially stripped, and now it is coming to life.  This is my project of the week...hopefully I will get it done...and we will have something to replace the awful patio stuff on the porch right now. (ie a table that goes with those aweful chairs...which might just need slipcovers)

via designsponge  I can't wait to set my table, these Modern chairs are the perfect juxtoposition.
Isn't that a pretty runner?

e15′s Bigfoot table
via DecorPad (Viva Terra)
Hopefully I will have the finished version by this weekend.  Bye for now...I have stripper that needs to be reapplyed:)


  1. That farm table is going to be great on your porch. And those green chairs, love. I don't envy you though when it comes to stripping - not a fun time, but worth it :)


  2. I thought the stripping was going to be easy NO! since it is laquer, it is taking a bit longer...but there is progress. --G

  3. even a white coat of paint would look nice.
    stripping, sounds sexy, but so NOT fun.

  4. I thought about white too, if the stripping doesn't work, I think white will be the next step.

  5. I can't believe someone threw this out! It is going to be amazing stripped or white!

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog, Gretchen. Lovely inspiration here! Will definitely be a follower! Briar


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