
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Quote of the Month...

The Book of the month on my Living Room Table.

From the Design Book of the Month...Celerie Kemble's To Your Taste.

If anyone noticed... I added a quote on my header.  This is one of my favorites from a designer that I REALLY admire, Celerie Kemble.  Whenever I am having a moment of design insecurity, (don't we all have these moments) I remember this quote. 

"Don't let a fear of being tacky render you tasteless."

I surely don't want to be "rendered tasteless:)  I think you do have to take risks in design...sometimes it is a huge payoff, and sometimes you think, ""oh dear, what was I THINKING!!!"  But, how would you have known otherwise?

I also love design books, and I spend many a day at Barnes and Noble (in the kids section with my kids happily playing with the train table, and me with no less than 5 magazines and a few books) checking them out before I buy.  I would like to beef up my design library, so I thought that doing a Design book of the month would be fun. (and little splurge for myself.)   I will pull a favorite quote from my book of the month, and then do a post each week about the designer and their rooms. 

Do you have any favorite design books that you would like to suggest?

Have a great Tuesday.


  1. So true. How easy it is to play it safe in a sea of neutrals, when all the while in my heart I love color. I think we all have old photos with hair styles that have us asking "what was I thinking", lol.


  2. Having neutral backgrounds makes it easier I think to go crazy with infusing color in other ways...which you have done really well I must say! (LOL on the hairstyles!)

  3. I agree -- and I also love color -- to which my family may ask "what was I thinking!?!" but , personally, I like my pink living room and teal den :-)

  4. I LOVE your little table so cute!!!

    I will have to check out this book!


  5. Gretchen, it's so great to 'meet' you! I bet we are about one hour away from each other. How cool is that? You have a great blog and I look forward to checking in with you!

    see you soon! Donna

  6. I love your quote!

    Your table is lovely!


I really, REALLY appreciate comments...thanks! So please indulge me:)