
Monday, February 28, 2011

Totally Inspired.....

By these three thrift shopping, furniture saving, ladies!  I have been a fan of Knack and Spruce Austin for a while now....and was so happy to see them in Southern Living last month.  I was also excited to be introduced to a third inspiration.....Gardenhouse.

Amanda Brown Spruce Austin
Barb Blair Knack Studio

Cheryl Maeder-Antonio Gardenhouse

They are girls after my own heart for sure...You can read more of the Southern Living article here.  Or visit their inspiring blogs. (knack, spruceaustin)

You may have also seen Barb on Design Sponge...she has a weekly spot Before and After Basics where she gives us tips on refinishing furniture. 

And Amanda has a great blog, and has created Spruce TV which gives tips and tricks, but also follows the Sprucettes on their journey to find and revamp furniture one piece at a time!  Here is a little snippet....I have watched it about 10 times! (I can't wait for more installments!)

 And Cheryl, just go to her website and prepare to be inspired....Vintage Gone Modern for sure!

Now off to redo my own bit of furniture....we are hosting our Neighborhoods First Friday Party, so I will be a busy bee all week.


  1. I think we would make fast friends with those ladies Gretchen. Love the fresh looks they give each piece.

    Good luck with your party preparations this week!

  2. SO fun to know about these ladies!!! Your neighbors are in for a treat this Friday. Too bad I don't live in the neighborhood!

    xo Elizabeth

  3. I hope you are doing great! Have a wonderful week!

  4. barb of knack actually helped me get my blog started! she is absolutely the sweetest gal ever!


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