
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What is it with most Mountain Decor?

Why can't they all look like this???

While I was researching places for our little mountain getaway, I couldn't help but wonder WHY many mountain condos and townhouses have less than desirable decor...I mean why are most of them still stuck in the 80's???  (there are a few exceptions, I know!)  Just peruse the listings and you will see what   I mean, why does it have to be so "mountainy" and cheesey...I get the wood panelling...I really do, but why does EVERYTHING have to be paneled...and all of the bedding be the navy, green, and red polyester? I understand that decorating is probably not in the budget, after buying a second home, but I think with a little bit of ingenuity, some new bedding, and some throw pillows these places could be really wonderful....with maybe a slipcover or 2.  

Before anyone chastises me for being snotty and picky, I really am not hard to please....and I know this is a very "champagne" problem especially in this economy.  We were very lucky to be able to take our little getaway... I am not asking for HGTV Dreamhome 2011....although we could take cues from it....I just think that these places could use a facelift....a little update.  I know most people don't want to decorate while they are on vacation...although one fellow blogger The Zhush did just that and look at the results!  You can read all about it here.

So nice, and a white duvet that can be washed goes a long way!
I would take this wallpaper over paneling any day.  But some nice light walls would have done the trick too.

This living room is just so cozy and bright.  Now that is a place for antlers.

And she just redid her kitchen...taking it from the 80' gorgeous.  I know that redoing kitchens aren't always in the budget, but I couldn't resist showing hers off.

Now I know that New kitchens aren't always in the budget....but this was too good not to share.

And speaking of the HGTV Dream have until February 18 to enter the sweepstakes.  Here is just a little bit of the eye candy.  Dream away...

The  living room...I could certainly live with the lime green  (Good bye chessey mountain decor)!!...
don't thoses apples look yummy:)

Now that is the color that I could go for in a mountain retreat.
I don't know how much sleeping gets done in this room.
A Nice restful guest bedroom.

We stayed in a nice townhouse, but I couldn't help but redecorate it in my head while we were there.  It is fun to dream.  I might just have to create a virtual budget and do just that....until then, I am heading over to HGTV for my daily entry:)

Oh, and the piles have decreased significantly.  YAY!


  1. I was hoping those were pictures of the mountain house you stayed in! Looks (and sounds) like you had a great trip to Snowshoe...I love it up there and yet I haven't been there (or skiing) in like 12 years! So sad...I'm ready to go back! (And thanks for the reminder...getting on right now!)

  2. Gretchen, you are so sweet! I loved that you included my little ski spot in this post! And thanks for the HGTV reminder! Off to enter!:)

  3. I agree, a lot of mountain getaways are not so plush. I think Sue did a great job renovating the ski house kitchen.

  4. Sue did a great job with her condo - so fresh and modern. Didn't know about that fabulous HGTV dream home - hopping over there next!

  5. Funny, I have my dream ski house designed already!
    Now just to get the house....this year though we have a great rental home....which is really nicely done.
    You would approve.

  6. Love Sue's condo. People should definitely take a cue from her. It doesn't need to be expensive. I do the same thing when we stay in a cabin in the mountains - I obsess over the unnecessary cheesiness! Thanks for the HGTV reminder. I've totally forgotten about their dream home!

  7. Great inspiration images. I agree, you can have rustic chic without buffalo plaids and stuffed bears.



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