
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tables around the house.

Verdegris via Moi
via moi
This is on my coffee table...this vinette gets changed up weekly.  I love it.  .A verdegris vase that I got at an auction a while back.  This piece has been moved all over the downstairs and seems to be happy where ever it lands....and white roses with vinca from my pots out front.  I love using vinca as a filler, and to my suprise it had these beautiful purple buds.  Oh, and an old, old book that goes well with the verdegris, and the fact that my table needs polishing:)

by moi
This is on my dining room table.  This bunch of small roses just spoke to me at the grocery store the other day.  I am loving the pink, orange, and red together.  It actually makes the fruit a bit more inticing...the kids have been trying to snag them...which is a good thing:)

via moi, excuse the lighting was taken this morning.
In the kitchen.  I felt like I could pick a few daffodils from outside since we have so many.  Usually I feel bad picking those pretty things from outside.  So there you have it.

Just a little spring inside.

Happy Hump day!


  1. Very pretty! I can't pass up grocery store flowers. I just snagged a bunch of white tulips for my kitchen and they make me so happy. Flowers are a must!

  2. Beautiful! Feels like Spring and I am so ready for that!


  3. Love seeing what's on your table! I've got big branches of quince on my kitchen table and pink tulips in my living room! I always get them if I see them!!!

    Happy almost Spring!
    xoxo E

  4. Soooo pretty-your house looks just lovely!!

  5. Gretchen - you just sent Spring to Seattle! Lovely arangements!

    Thank you for your sweet comment today. I need to pay attention to your lovely blog!

    Warm hugs, Mon

  6. Your home is so pretty Gretchen! I love seeing your flowers and you have inspired me to bring some inside myself.


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