
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Live like You is LIVE!

live like you blog

One thing about blogging is that you meet so many like minded people that you would have never met otherwise....and my friend Jill Sorenson is one of those bloggers.   Her blog is called Live Like You . I found her blog the very day I decided to paint my happy chair and my wing chairs...her blog gave me the courage.  She is awesome like that and gives you the courage to use color and just do it! 

Not only is she an amazing designer and blogger, she has opened an online store called Live Like You that is a one stop shop to creating a collected feeling for a room.   The store takes into accounts all budget levels AND styles, AND she offers green alternatives to new items!  (you KNOW i am a fan of that!) 

Please go by and check out the site it is one of a kind online shopping experience.

AND she is offering a discount

 AND, as if it didn't get any better....

check her out at 1:00 on the NATE BERKUS show!!!  


  1. Hi Gretchen I just saw this. Thank You so much for posting!!!! Boy yesterday kicked me to the curb...I'm going to need some sleep this weekend!! So glad I met you on the web! xxxx

  2. Gretchen...she is awesome. I love her use of color and she has such great style. Thought she did a wonderful job on Nate also!


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