
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Anticipation...An ti ci pay ay shun!

I have been singing this song all day today!  The anticipation is killing me!

click here to see the video (for some reason I can't embed)

Here is a little Snippet from a local TV station (WACH FOX) about the upcoming appearance on The Nate Show. Thank you Janet Parker for putting together such a nice piece.  It showed at 6pm 10pm and 8:30 this morning...guess that is what happens on a slow news day!

Also I had a really nice interview with a local blogger, from the Camille Maurice Blog.  She actually went up to NYC to see Nate at the Valspar event a couple weeks ago. (we missed each other by a couple days!)   She has lots of great inspiration on her blog, and she puts lots of thought and effort into every post.  VERY well written.

  And I promise tomorrow is the last you will hear about Nate for a while...

I have lots of finished projects I want you to see!

Happy Hump (humbled) Day!


  1. Congrats Gretchen! This so thrilling, I am sure you are Over the Moon!

  2. bragging rights are well deserved! :)

  3. g, so excited for you. wouldn't you know it...I have an appointment when the show airs tomorrow. do you know any way I can catch it later? will you be able to run a clip of the segment on your blog? I don't want to miss it! donna


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