
Friday, June 24, 2011

What to do with these???

When I went to Scott Antique Market, I somehow left with about 15 old wooden spools.  There is something about them that I love. The old pealing paint, the fact that they are wooden, the history,   I walked by the garden center area at Scott's and there were boatloads of these things...the spool graveyard.(they are probably happy for the rest from spinning around and around and around!)  It really saddens me in a way, because it is an era when things, even spools were made so well....replaced by plastic I am sure.  I digress....

So I had lots of ideas in my head as to what to do with them....

The colors of the pealing paint, lends itself to decoration as is.  Can't you see them resting on a shelf?

Little side tables?  Would have to add a base for stablility...Hmmmm

stacking them up....I think I am getting somewhere....

A LAMP!!!!
So, my friends, I have settled on the lamp idea, Isn't it great?????and am ALMOST finished. A tutorial will be on its way soon.  

So excited, and it is going in an client installation that I am working on this the process of painting the room now....I hope to show you all (at least progress pictures) soon.

Have a great Weekend Everyone!


  1. I have armloads of these hanging around (not quite as large as yours) what a great way to give them new life! Going to track mine down now and wait on your tutorial!


  2. guess you had a "light bulb" moment!

  3. Yes, the lamp is the perfect idea!! Can't wait to see the finished result!!

  4. Love the lamp! I have a few of those that I bought at a flea market YEARS ago. I'm not even sure if I could put my hands on them again. I had the exact same reaction to them too. They are so beautiful and worn and useful. It made me a little sad seeing them in the box too! So glad you have given a few a good home.

  5. Perfect! I have often wondered what to do with those. I have seen them used for candle holders...but that is boring compared to your lamp idea!


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