
Monday, July 25, 2011

Another "tool" in my bag.

A little sunroom/mudroom/office space.

As if I really need to learn anything new...but I couldn't help myself and downloaded Google's free App, Sketchup 8.  The front page says "3D modeling for Everyone", so I thought...."I can do that!"  Since I am a graphic designer, and am used to all of the design programs, and I thought "why not?"  I would love to learn CAD, but this will do for now.  A few tutorials later and I was OFF to the races!  The cool thing is that they have a library of everything from chairs to plants....that you can bring to your canvas and move things around.  Now, it doesn't have the EXACT things I was looking for, but it really gets the job done as far as layout and scale goes...and for visualizing a space.  It is free, and there is a professional version that you can buy for $ I will play with this for now....maybe someday, I will need the PRO version!

"What prompted you to open the 3D program in the first place?" you ask.   Weeeeell, I have a little sunroom project that I am working on, and wanted to get the FULL effect. 

So here are all of the views.  I designed the mudroom cubbie and the desk,  and then brought the other pieces in from the Sketchup library for fun.  Now, I KNOW this is a far cry from perfect, but I really think it gets the job done for visualization of the space.

view from the entry door.
I opened the windows so you could see in:)

From above...the rug is probably not my client's taste but I thought it was good for size.

Bird's eye view.

From the other direction

The desk space.
So there you have it....a sunroom designed by moi  3D. 

Happy Monday!


  1. Cool Gretchen! Is that the color scheme that your client is going with too? I've never seen this program in action. What other programs do you like to use? I've heard bits and pieces about Photoshop, Picasa, PowerPoint, etc etc. One of these days I hope to dive into them more but was curious what you like to use. You'll have to show us the real life transformation of this room.

  2. Thanks Holly! The client has existing straw colored yellow walls, and a fabric with green, yellow, and red on a we are going with that color scheme. I think the wood tops will warm it up a bit in such a bright space.

    I use ADOBE photoshop, illustrator, indesign, and a mulittude of other programs...I there are certain things about all of them that I like to use. This just adds the 3D that I have been missing!

  3. Gretchen,
    How fun is that! Love how you never stop learning.
    Off to see if I can give it a try!

  4. How cool is that; the software capability and the designed space! LOVE IT!

  5. This is very cool, Gretchen! I'm curious about this program...maybe have to play around with it for myself (and my own house). :) You did a great layout!

  6. Well...I must have way too much right brain because I REALLY tried to figure out that one about 5 months ago and not a chance :) Glad there are some people like you that can use it :)


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