
Monday, October 31, 2011

Rug Week!

Petra Bindel
Are you inspired by this image?   Yeah, Me too!

Who says an oriental rug has to be "old" and "daudy"?  This red/purple/navy base persian hand knotted rug is given a whole new feeling with pops of fun fabrics, modern artwork, and midcentury stools.  I have been so  inspired that I decided to bring my NYC rug dealer down for a 3 day sale PopUp sale!

All this  week, I will be doing Rug inspired posts.  Ways to these hand knotted beauties to make your home decor an awesome space. 

So..... if you are local....come by to see me!  There are also going to be fun little tidbits in my posts that might get you a deal on a keep reading!

Oh, and Happy Halloween Ya'll!

Updated Traditional Bedroom eclectic bedroom
Halloween Inspired Bedroom, with a Persian Rug of course!


  1. Love this idea, focusing on rugs, it can be a very confusing thing to pick out just the right one! Do you sell rugs too?

  2. I agree with Design Blooms - I can be easily overwhelmed by selecting a rug at times. I do love that rug with those pillows in that first image. AND, my hubby and I are heading up to NYC this weekend and I do plan on hitting up ABC and I can't wait.

  3. Wish I could come.....I am so glad that more traditional orientals are back ...they add so much richness and warmth to a room.


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