
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Perfectly Imperfect Home....

My new Favorite Book
If this book doesn't sum up my aesthetic, I don't know what does.  I think we all should embrace a little bit of Imperfectly, perfect!  Deborah Needleman, founding editor of the much coveted Domino Magazine has hit a home run with this book. Not only are the illustrations  (by the oh so talented Virginia Johnson) just amazing, but the meat of the book is so informative....with tidbits on everything from lighting, to how to make a bed (the easy way AND the hard way!)  There is something in it for everyone from the decorator to someone who just wants to zhush their own home.

  I took the book with me to my daughter's swim practice last night, and almost forgot to go down and pick her up out of the pool, because I was so engrossed!

In the forward Deborah says...

"Embracing imperfection in a home does not mean that anything goes.  Here it means aiming for beauty tempered by reality.  If real life involves mess, accidents, memory, and the incidental, then so too must decorating account for serendipity, and even embrace it."

"Luxury cannot be defined by expense or grandeur.  Style is luxury, and luxury is simply what makes you happy."

According to Deborah, the point of decorating is to create the background for the best life you can have, with all its joys and imperfections.

Amen sister!  This book is going with me on every client meeting.

 Take a look for yourself.

I am waiting on the Perfectly, Imperfect LIFE book to drop in my lap....things are crazy, but good around here. 

Happy Tuesday.

Monday, November 21, 2011

It's all been done before....

I was given a vintage book by a client last week on "All about Decorating", written in the 1970's.  Ya'll, my bubble has been burst!  it has ALL been done before:)  It was fun flipping through the books and seeing all that was "in", is totally "in" now.  I mean these photos could have been taken out of ANY number of shelter mags in the past couple years.  The only thing that really dated the book was the relentless matching  of wallpaper and bedspreads and fabric.    There were actually a few ideas that I would like to try. 

Forgive the bad images, I took them with my phone, but you will get the "picture":)

All white, green velvet sofa, matched with french provential.  And the old books.

Notice the garden stool.

Painted bookshelves, mixing metal and wood..notice the sconces on the side,
very similar to high end pieces I have seen lately

Mixing of finishes, I think I saw a table similar to that on Williams Sonoma

punched of color, and glasss top table

rustic chic trestle table

bentwood table and chairs with rustic beams

zebra rug anyone?  Oh, and the antlers on the wall.
zebra, metal, french, wood, need I say more....oh just a few more

letters on walls.

awesome graphic wallpaper
white walls punch of color.
I have seen these chairs all over...and the pendants.
(I couldn't get this to turn) so if you don't mind turning your h ead
It reminds me of a vignette seen in Lonny.

So there you have it.  I know, not EVERYTHING has been done before, and all of what we see now is updated in some sort of way, reworked and made new and current, but go grab an old design book, there just might be some great design ideas lurking around.

Happy Monday!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

All Popped Up!

 I meant to blog this yesterday, but I fell asleep sitting up in my bed at 8:30 (I'm an 11pm girl!) Soooo, just pretend this is yesterday:)

Yesterday was a heck of a day...getting everything set up was fun AND exhausting all at the same time.  I don't know how I could have done it without my amazing sister!  We did all of this in 2 days!  The rugs came at 4:00 on Tuesday, and I had a Preview Party at 6:00!  Talk about adrenaline....

  I really love the space and the rugs really do warm everything up.  I knew I was going to get some great rug inventory, I but I was blown away by the beauty, quality, and variety (think ABC Carpet and Home in NYC).  These rugs are REAL antiques.

I partnered with a couple of local establishments, Chris from Worth Repeating has allowed me to showcase a couple pieces of their furniture and artwork, and Cameron from Edit, Fluff, and Style as done the same. 


I can't forget to thank the girls, Tara from Jot (a custom stationery shop) and Lara from In the Loop (knitting shop) for letting me move into their space for a couple days!  All of their inventory is greatly reduced, so if you want to buy yarn or stationery, that is for sale too!

The rug over the table is a beauty. And the pillows didn't translate in photos,
but it is a great Cowtan and Tout swirly fabric
notice the framed pieces...a little of my own designs.
lots of bundles of antique books...and these little paintings are really pretty.
and this is where I sit (actually there isn't much sitting) and receive guests!  Isn't that a great ottoman???
 There is one photo that didn't get uploaded, and is one of the best vignettes...(camera at at shop with the memory will get that up when I get to the shop!)

If you are in the area, stop by and see me!

Devine Street Pop-Up Shop
November 9-11, 2011
10am – 4pm, or by appointment
2900B Devine Street
Columbia, SC 29205

Much to do, Happy Thursday!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Loving this look

This total mix of styles.  Midcentury, French Provencial, and modern. .I'll let you guess what I think ties it all together...

via Savey Home
via Angie Hnrowsky

via Pinterest
Getting ready for the Big Week!

Have a great Monday...I know I will...I will be doing what I love....zhushing up a space! Stay Tuned!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Up off the Floor and onto.....

This is how I used one of these small huh?
I know you all might be tired of seeing all of these beautiful rugs covering the floor, layering the floor, beautifying the floor, yada, yada....Can't she come up with anything else??

Weeeeeell, I decided to change it up a bit.  Lets bring the rugs up OFF the floor.

Maybe as a pillow

on an ottoman

via Simple Things Furniture Shop
OR as a wall hanging?

via pinterest
via atticmag
 As a table cloth....

via Bunny Williams Kips Bay House

 or as table runners

via atticmag

or let's cover a copper pot!!!  why not???

via DesignManifest
So there you have it, something to get the juices flowing on this Saturday morning.  So if your floors are still don't have an must come by next week.

Devine Street Pop-Up Shop
November 9-11, 2011
10am – 4pm, or by appointment
2900B Devine Street
Columbia, SC 29205

Just  few more days....getting ready, my friends:)

Happy Weekend Everyone!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Layering is not just for the wardrobe.

Via Lonny

via pinterest

I don't know about you, but this time of year...but I love to layer a scarf over my sweater, top, or not only warms me up in this brisk weather....but it is just the thing to MAKE an outfit.  Somehow makes my jeans and shirt feel so much more updated.

Let's take  a page out of the fashion magazines, layering rugs is a great way to update a room, make it fresh, AND warm it up too!

My favorite way to achieve this effect is with Seagrass as the base.  Just like a wonderful basic sweater, it is the base...then you just layer a smaller rug on top.  Because the Sea grass fits the space, you can choose any rug that you like, a runner under a table even works.  It is much more economical too.  You don't have to buy an huge oriental rug....a nice 5X7 or 4X6 works.

via house beautiful

No layering in this photo, you say?  Well, I just wanted to show you a "naked" room.  And to have a lesson in using your imagination.  IMAGINE if this room had a beautiful persian under the ottoman? or even across the room by the window under the pretty table?  Even though the design of this space is beautiful, it could use a little warming up....N'est ce pas?

Oh, and if you are wondering where to find a great seagrass rug....look no further....I can get that for you too!

Anyway, I am shamelessly plugging my little shop again.  Don't you think I am making a strong case?