
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Up off the Floor and onto.....

This is how I used one of these small huh?
I know you all might be tired of seeing all of these beautiful rugs covering the floor, layering the floor, beautifying the floor, yada, yada....Can't she come up with anything else??

Weeeeeell, I decided to change it up a bit.  Lets bring the rugs up OFF the floor.

Maybe as a pillow

on an ottoman

via Simple Things Furniture Shop
OR as a wall hanging?

via pinterest
via atticmag
 As a table cloth....

via Bunny Williams Kips Bay House

 or as table runners

via atticmag

or let's cover a copper pot!!!  why not???

via DesignManifest
So there you have it, something to get the juices flowing on this Saturday morning.  So if your floors are still don't have an must come by next week.

Devine Street Pop-Up Shop
November 9-11, 2011
10am – 4pm, or by appointment
2900B Devine Street
Columbia, SC 29205

Just  few more days....getting ready, my friends:)

Happy Weekend Everyone!


  1. At Phillipsburg manor, they show rugs on tables as a way of the land owner showing their wealth.
    I think rugs anywhere show one's wealth and smarts!

  2. PVE: You noticed how small the rug was on MY table! I think it is the smallest rug around!


I really, REALLY appreciate comments...thanks! So please indulge me:)