
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

got me to thinking....

Can be purchased here

Today I went to Little Green Notebook's blog and she had a fabric for sale in her shop that I LOVE.

The chinoisserie is so pretty...and I am really liking the little birdie in the fabric as well. It might just be mine soon:) Anyhoo. It got me to thinking about some photos that I took when I was at the National Zoo in DC this summer with the kids.
BTW: these were the only pics I took of birds...I was evidently drawn to certain colors that day.

Do you see a color story??? These colors look very familiar to what I have been posting lately.  Here, Here, and Here.  Amazing to me how a design can really start stewing in your head before you really know it, or can pinpoint it.  I took these pictures almost a month ago, and it is starting to become clear to me what I need to do, and it might just start with a certain fabric....

Have a great day.



  1. It truly is amazing how ideas start stewing... great post!

    Eddie & Jaithan

  2. This blog is turning into my own little inspiration board...Thanks again for stopping by.


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